Leadership and Team development
Leadership is no longer an individual heroic deed. It is a collective social process in which leaders and teams build loyal and trusting relationships, which motivates everyone to be and do their best every day.
The first step is analysis, which reveals the leadership culture and leadership competences that are needed to strengthen and future-proof your company.
The next step is the development of the leadership culture, management teams, and individual leaders. This is done through training, coaching, feedback, and assessments, for example in the following areas:
- Transformational leadership
- Organisational maturity levels
- Values and leadership Culture
- Agility, innovation and learning
- Managing polarities and paradoxes
- Team dynamics and team development
- Coaching, feedback and courageous conversations
- Conflict
Dare a Leadership Program in Transformational Leadership for you or your team?
Strengthen you leadership team and your ability to use the power of thought and guidance from the heart’s wisdom more consciously.
We have created a transformational leadership development process in 3 modules. 1) Leadership force, 2) Presence and 3) In Action.
Linking the heart’s wisdom with the power of thought gives a new form of presence – an ability to lead that goes further, with a holistic and global view.
During the 3 modules you and your team will strengthen the ability to
- Conduct leadership in a more present and powerful way
- Step forward as transformational leaders
- Use the tools for transformational leadership
- Use inner silence to stand in the “hurricane’s eye”
- Handle doubts and ambiguities while remaining calm and brave
- Practice mindfullness techniques that are the right ones for you
- Listen deeply to each other and the organisation at several levels
- Consciously use the teams intelligence, heart´s wisdom, and power
Learn more about the program here: www.transformerende-ledelse.dk

Carla Leilani Packness
Strandvejen 163
2900 Hellerup
T: +45 22 33 83 98
E: carla@packnesspartners.com